To celebrate good times, friendships new and old, mother nature and the ability to make images solo without a crew I am sharing a series I created in Bend, Oregon. My good friends Melissa Lynn and Jason Koschnitzke left Chicago a few years ago and invited me out west to their new pad in Bend, OR. Jason K. created a new successful shop called 6-Volt Cycles and created a new network of friends that are artists, makers, and motorcycle riders. I spent some time with them last September doing the photography that I share here as well as to do some dirt bike riding on the trails near their house.
Though this work was created pre-Covid-19 the images are a good example of what I can create under the new parameters of this virus pandemic situation. All of these images are made solo with no crew. I shot with natural light outside or in open, airy spaces- and was always at least 6 feet from subject. I made all of them with a Leica M240 and 35mm lens. I am grateful for the help of Melissa and Jason K for opening their world to me for this project. More work from this project can be seen currently on Instagram.